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We've Upgraded Our Search and Why Apps!

We've implemented a host of new features and improvements.

  • A new Data View for each tab with sortable data
  • Genre and minigenre data
  • An expand option to see title lists full-page
  • A new "Dark" mode option
  • New links to Letterboxd for movies

Your login at the new apps is your email address. The first time you go to the new apps you'll have to create your own password using the "Forgot Password" button.

If you don't get the forgot-password email, be sure to check your spam folders -- it will be sent from

Here are the new links.

Please email us at to let us know if you have any problems, suggestions, or other thoughts about the new sites.

Detailed overview of the sites.

Visit to explore audience reactions to movies or series. Search for your title and then select a tab to review the title's genre, minigenre, and nanogenre collections, or to discover its most-like titles. Want detailed insights? Click on "Data" at the top to see metrics like values, weights, and distances. You can even sort this data as needed. For clarity on Nanocrowd's terms, like "Crowd Rating", tap the i icon next to "Data".

Meanwhile, lets you compare multiple titles via a heatmap, showing dominant themes. As you add titles, shared themes emerge. The "Simplified Map" option offers a clearer view, and the "Data" switch reveals specifics like the frequency of themes and related titles. Only want themes common to multiple titles? Use the "Titles in Common" feature. To share your findings, the "Link" icon lets you create a shareable map link for registered users.